Today we want to show you our last work consisting in large lenticular panels, which has became a huge success because of the impact it has generated in their final recipients. It is a campaign that we have developed together with the communications agency responsible for promoting the Hyundai Tucson, the Korean giant’s new car.
The work involved the creation of three large glass billboards of 5×3 meters, made up by four lenticular panels each, which aimed to show dynamically a changing color image of Hyundai Tucson, from red to gray and from blue to gray, as the pedestrian was walking in front of the panels.
The manufacturing process started with reception of the creativities made by the agency. The photos of the Hyundai Tucson, in different positions and with different colors of the car paint catalog, were received for us to begin the process of creation. The first step was to develop the lenticular elements in the correct scale. After that, we cut them with the shape of the car to be placed on the vynils that were going to occupy the large glass billboards, which would be installed in the sides of the bussy departure hall of the AVE station Atocha in Madrid.
The readiness of the elements was done in a record time of one week. After that process began the assembly work, which took place at night, in order to generate an even greater impact, making travelers will find these great billboards of interactive action early in the morning when arriving to the station.
For a month, these large glass billboards were an element of great impact that caught the attention of Atocha travelers, resulting in a true advertising success that has strongly met the expectations of the brand.
The key undoubtedly has been in the lenticular effect of image changing to show the color change in an absolutely realistic style which has gotten that the four consecutive panels changed as advancing pedestrians in front of them, generating a total color change of the Tucson. In addition, as a differentiating factor, we took the image change to make the vehicle’s headlights also changed to show them off to on, causing impact, surprise and sympathy in the audience who were lucky enough to observe them.
This type of work is being increasingly demanded by major brands for depth impact advertising campaigns, looking forward to go one step further in their advertising actions. In a world that moves at the speed of light and where interactivity is already mandatory to generate interest in the audience, lenticular effects are trading higher in physical advertising, thanks to its essential foundations of movement, interactivity and surprise, which require viewer action and participation in the ad, thus achieving one of the cornerstones of effective advertising: to be remembered.
Come to visit our portfolio of works for more examples of such successful campaigns. You’ll be surprised!