What is lenticular

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Lenticular printing is a technique of printing on plastic that allows us to simulate the feeling of depth or that the images change or move from one to another when viewed from different angles.

We certainly convert a static image into an interactive image in which the application user’s involvement is required.

We can create different effects: Volumetric 3d and/or layers, motion, flip, zoom, among others.

Starting from a sequence of frames, previously created in image-editing applications, you can produce truly surprising and personalized creatives.

Lenticular printing allows you to create applications with amazing effects!

To create a lenticular image you need to:

♦ Processing Software for the creation of any effect.

♦ 3d Creation Software When we want to work with Volumetry.

♦ Lenticular Plastic:

◊ Adhesive: for lamination production.

◊ Non-adhesive: for direct plastic printing on the smooth face of the material.

♦ Synthetic support or paper for printing the processed file when it is produced by lamination.

The processing is the result of the application of certain algorithms on different frames. Once the processing is done, you get a leading file that, together with the lenticular material, will allow you to see the different effects.

The lenticular plastic is composed of two sides with different textures:

♦ One of the faces contains aligned lenses, which is why it is called lenticular material.

♦ The other side is smooth, that is the face on which we print or on which we adhesive to obtain material prepared for lamination.

There is a wide variety of lenticular materials designed to create different applications and effects. The ideal is to use them appropriately taking into account the type of printing and the application that you want to get.

Once the lenticular product is produced, we can cut, mill, punch, laminate, adhesive, glue, drill, etc. In short, you can apply any finish, this allows you can produce any type of application printed with this technology.

Our added value is to communicate to the customer/user exactly what they need to be able to produce with their own means.

The training in the lenticular printing technique is basic to get the best results.