Legal Advice and Privacy Policy

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Legal Advice and Privacy Policy

In compliance with the Spanish Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter LOPD), the Spanish Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE) and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, concerning the protection of personal data (hereinafter GDPR).) and in order to inform users in accordance with the principle of transparency, we inform you that:

NEOLENTECH, S.L. (hereinafter NEOLENTECH), with NIF B-66996323, is registered with the Commercial Registry of Madrid. Volume 37 108, Book 0, Folio 123, Sheet M-662 358, Inscription or annotation 3 and has registered office at Avda. de Europa 13 3o A- La Moraleja Business Park, 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid).


This Legal Notice governs the access and use of (hereinafter Web Site) owned by NEOLENTECH, S.L.

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

  • Identity: NEOLENTECH, S.L.
  • Trade name: NEOLENTECH
  • TIN: B66996323
  • Place of residence: Europa, 19 3ª planta – La Moraleja Business Park – 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid).
  • Main Activity: Publishing of software, training services and associated consumables.
  • Telephone: 917 93 21 25
  • Email:

What information will we collect?

If you subscribe to our newsletters, we will collect your email to keep you informed of the latest developments regarding our products and services.

If you choose to register, we will collect information necessary to register and manage your account. For this purpose, we will ask you for your first and last name, address, email address, telephone number and other identifying information.

If you choose to purchase any of our payment products or services, we will also need to have your credit card or other information to process your payments.

We will also be able to access the information you provide directly through the registration forms. We will access and process the data that you have provided to us directly in these forms and in your use of the Website for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. In addition, by using NEOLENTECH you may be able to provide various personal information, including (but not limited to) comments, your tastes and preferences when selecting our products and services.

NEOLENTECH has two ways to collect information: on the one hand we will collect information from users as defined above and, on the other hand, from media outlets or agencies or any other publicly accessible sources as defined in the Organic Law on Data Protection and the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016.

For what purpose do we process your data?

Where this information is provided directly by you, we will use it to manage the sale and services related to the offer of products and services for which you have subscribed or in which you are interested. This data will form part of a register of processing activities to which only NEOLENTECH will have access. By agreeing to these terms, you authorize NEOLENTECH to contact you when a user is interested in your product.

Where information is obtained automatically through your use of the Website, we will use it to compile statistics and, if we use those statistics, we will in any event separate your data, so that the information will never refer to the user or to the personal data provided. These statistics will be used to improve the services of NEOLENTECH.

We will also use your data to send you offers related to NEOLENTECH services, especially by email. These communications may include advertising from third parties outside of NEOLENTECH, but will be related to the services we offer. In case you do not wish to receive commercial communications of this type write to us at

How long will we keep your personal data?

The personal data collected by NEOLENTECH will be kept for the duration of the existing contractual relationship, as well as to meet any legal obligations that may arise from the data provided. The data will be kept as long as the user does not request its deletion.



  1. Identification

These General Conditions of Use are subscribed, on the one hand, by NEOLENTECH, which makes the Website available to users free of charge, and on the other hand by the user, understood as any natural or legal person who accesses the Website freely, voluntarily and free of charge, making or not making use of the services offered therein.

The user, by the mere fact of visiting, browsing and using the Website, submits to these General Conditions of Use, without prejudice to the fact that the free registration therein implies the submission of some Contractual Conditions that must be expressly accepted when proceeding with the registration.

  1. Free

The Website is free of charge, as is the navigation on it and the registration of users. NEOLENTECH, only, makes the Website available to users free of charge for the mere browsing of it. There may be online training services that involve additional charges, in which case, the appropriate Terms and Conditions of Contract will be stated and accepted.

  1. Objective

NEOLENTECH allows any Internet user to access a large part of the content of the Website in order to search for information, events, courses, services and, in general, information related to the activity of the company and its services.

  1. Obligations of the User

As a User, simply by visiting or browsing the web, you must:

  • Use the Website and its services and functionalities in compliance with applicable laws (especially intellectual and industrial property laws), as well as generally accepted morals and good customs, public order and the present conditions of use.
  • Use the Website in a diligent, correct and lawful manner.
  • If we make changes to these Terms of Use or Privacy Policy, please review them: they may be important.

Likewise, as a User, you agree to respect NEOLENTECH and comply with the following conditions:

  • Not to breach these Terms of Use or any of their conditions or obligations assumed therein.
  • Do not infringe any rights or interests of NEOLENTECH or third parties, such as intellectual or industrial property rights (patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights or other proprietary rights).
  • Do not use the Website to collect information and content to provide any service that at the discretion of NEOLENTECH correspond to or compete with it.
  • Do not introduce by any means computer viruses, worms, Trojans or any other kind of malicious code aimed at disrupting, destroying or limiting the functionality of NEOLENTECH.
  • Do not use reverse engineering techniques and/or decompile or decrypt or use any other system to learn the source code of the Website or any element subject to copyright or underlying intellectual property.
  • Do not modify the Website in any way or way possible.
  • Do not damage, disable, overload or hinder the service (or the network or networks connected to the service), or interfere with the use and enjoyment of the service by any User.
  • Do not perform actions or use means to simulate the appearance or function of NEOLENTECH for any purpose.
  1. Conditions for registration

NEOLENTECH offers to any user the possibility of registering on the Site, free of charge, in order to enjoy certain additional services compared to those entailed by merely browsing the Website. These services are linked to the offer of the services and products displayed on the website.

5.1 Acquisition of the status of Registered User

The Internet user, whether a natural or legal person, who completes all the steps aimed at registering as a user, including the acceptance of these Special Registration Conditions, will from that moment be configured as a Registered User for the purposes of these Conditions or any other applicable to him.

5.2. What you can do as a Registered User

As a Registered User, you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to your personal data by sending an email to with the following User data to be cancelled: Name, Surname, ID and email. You can also make the request by post, sending an application accompanied by a photocopy of the DNI/NIF to NEOLENTECH, S.L., C/ Ribera del Loire, 46, 28 042 Madrid. The User undertakes to be the owner of the data and to have the right to request the cancellation of the same.

5.3. Obligations of the Registered User

It is necessary to be able to Register on the Website to follow the steps and fill in the forms that are available on the Website. By accepting these Special Conditions, you acknowledge that you comply with the foregoing conditions and that you are solely responsible for the consequences arising from your failure to comply with them.

If you are under the age of 18, you should consult with your parents or guardians about these Terms of Use and advise you on whether to register or not.

As a Registered User, you undertake, in particular, to:

  • Do not register with multiple user accounts on the Website, or do so with false data or impersonating the personality of third parties.
  • Do not use or attempt to use another Registered User’s account without their authorization.
  • Be solely responsible for all activities carried out from your Registered User account.
  • Ensure that your access data are confidential. You will be liable for any damages suffered by you or third parties as a result of your breach of these Terms. You are also responsible for what happens to your NEOLENTECH account as long as you do not cancel it or demonstrate that the security of your account has been compromised for reasons beyond your control.

In particular, it shall:

  • Keep your account updated
  • Keep your password confidential
  • Be the only one who uses your Registered User account
  • Do not use third party accounts without your consent

Be solely responsible for providing your real data on your NEOLENTECH profile. Any service or content that we offer and that you may access by setting false information on your profile, exonerates us from liability. We cannot guarantee that content and services intended for certain age groups will be accessible to minors who have provided false information about their age.

In particular, regarding the content it publishes and shares, it assumes and undertakes to:

  • Accept the special conditions of shipment of contracted products and/or services.
  • Do not post illegal, inappropriate, inaccurate, abusive, discriminatory or offensive content.
  • Of course, do not harass, abuse or harm another person through the Website.
  • Do not include any type of advertising or conduct direct marketing actions to other Registered Users or third parties for any purpose.
  • Send appropriate content that does not violate any kind of issue contained in these Terms. You assume that NEOLENTECH does not control or approve the content you post or provide through the Website. It is in any case responsible for what it publishes and shares as well as for the consequences arising therefrom. In particular, you are liable for violations of intellectual or industrial property rights that you infringe in connection with the functions and services available on the Website.
  • Whenever we detect or are informed of any fact that may be contrary to the provisions of this section, we shall be entitled to block your access to the Website and remove content from your account without any right of complaint.


Certain sections of the Website may allow participation by means of comments through the means set up for that purpose. When sending them, by clicking on the corresponding link, as

User accepts:

  • Respect the applicable laws, generally accepted morals and customs, public order and these general conditions of access and use.
  • To issue only licit and truthful opinions and comments, adapted to the subject matter and content of each article.
  • To grant NEOLENTECH the broadest license required by law for the publication of texts on the Internet.
  • Refrain from introducing links or links to third parties that contain any of the above contents, illegal, misleading or unfair advertising, viruses, Trojans or any other material or software that may damage or alter the functioning of computer equipment or systems.
  • Refrain from sending defamatory, offensive, insulting, racist, obscene, threatening or discriminatory content or links, as well as commercial, promotional or advertising.

Likewise, as a User, you acknowledge:

  • That NEOLENTECH will not be liable in any way for the opinions expressed by Users, who participate under their sole and exclusive responsibility.
  • Users’ comments do not represent the views of NEOLENTECH, its administrators or collaborators.
  • That NEOLENTECH does not guarantee, under any circumstances, the publication of the contents sent by Users. In this regard, all comments received will be reviewed and moderated, as to their form, by an administrator of the Website, who will act in any case respecting the democratic freedoms of expression and information.
  • That NEOLENTECH may delete comments that do not comply with the present rules of participation.

5.5. Information provided

Most of the content that appears on the Website is provided by NEOLENTECH.

However, Users actively participate by sending content that may be published by NEOLENTECH. Regarding such content, NEOLENTECH is configured, in accordance with the provisions of article 16 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, as a provider of hosting services or data storage, without, therefore, being responsible for the information uploaded by Users. Consequently, and given that NEOLENTECH does not review the content it provides, as a User, it is solely responsible for the consequences arising from its participation in the Website by providing content. In particular, by way of example, it will be responsible for infringements of intellectual or industrial property or data protection that it commits as a result of the publication of certain information or content.

However, NEOLENTECH reserves the right to modify, withdraw or eliminate any content that you have sent to the Website when it violates any law or right of a third party, contains errors or is inaccurate, misleading or duplicated.

If you believe that your rights or the rights of third parties are being violated or that content is not in accordance with the Law, please notify us at:

  1. Availability of the Page

NEOLENTECH does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors in accessing the page or its contents, nor that they are updated, although it will make its best efforts to, where appropriate, avoid, correct or update them. Therefore, NEOLENTECH is not responsible for damages or losses of any kind caused to the user that are caused by failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks that produce the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Portal service during the provision of the same or with prior character.

NEOLENTECH excludes, with the exceptions contemplated in the current legislation, any responsibility for damages of any nature that may be due to the lack of availability, continuity or quality of the operation of the page and the contents, to the non-fulfilment of the expectation of utility that users may have attributed to the page and its contents. The function of the links, links, etc., that appear on this website is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other websites that contain information on the matter. This does not constitute any suggestion or recommendation.

NEOLENTECH is not responsible for the contents of said linked pages, the operation, usefulness or result of the hyperlinks, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in them that may cause alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), documents or the user’s files, excluding any liability for damages caused to the user for any of these reasons.

Access to the page does not imply an obligation on the part of NEOLENTECH to control the absence of viruses, worms or any other harmful computer element. In any case, the availability of adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs corresponds to the user. Therefore, NEOLENTECH is not responsible for possible security errors that may occur during the provision of the page service, nor for possible damage that may be caused to the user’s or third party’s computer system (hardware and software), the files or documents stored in it, as a result of the presence of viruses in the user’s computer used to connect to the services and contents of the web, a malfunction of the browser or the use of non-updated versions of the same.

  1. Limitation of liability

NEOLENTECH excludes all responsibility for the decisions that the user may make based on this information, as well as for possible typographical errors that the documents and graphics on the page may contain. The information is subject to possible periodic changes without prior notice of its content due to expansion, improvement, correction or updating of the content. (POINT MISSING)

  1. Availability of the Contents

The provision of the service of the page and its contents has, in principle, an indefinite duration. NEOLENTECH, however, may terminate or suspend the provision of the page service and/or any of the content at any time.

  1. Cookies

NEOLENTECH may have technology for the implementation of files called “cookies” on the equipment you use to access. The cookies that are used are only technical and will be used so that the user, every time they click on a link, does not have to enter the password again. In addition, when the user specifically configures it, when closing the browser, the cookie will be deleted.

In order to streamline the service offered, NEOLENTECH will use or may use “cookies” to offer you a better and more personalized service. This “cookie” is installed when the web browsing session begins. If the user does not want the “cookie” to be installed on his hard drive, he must configure his browser not to receive them, using the one recommended by his browser for this procedure, or delete it directly on his computer.

In this case, the speed and quality of the NEOLENTECH services may decrease. As long as you have not activated the option that prevents the installation of cookies on your hard drive, you can explore it by following the instructions and help manual of your operating system to know each server from which the “cookies” are sent. NEOLENTECH will save your typical navigation route to adapt our services as much as possible to your preferences.

The user expressly consents to the use of “cookies” by NEOLENTECH, without it being necessary to request their consent again each time they enter our Website. The names of the servers that transmit or activate the automatic data collection procedures are under the domain of the website owned by NEOLENTECH.

You can disable the installation of these cookies through the configuration options of your browser. You can also delete cookies after you have finished using

NEOLENTECH may also use other computer mechanisms to obtain navigation information to check traffic and statistics. Through them, only traffic data would be obtained, never your personal data.

In this sense, NEOLENTECH uses the Google Analytics tool, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc., a United States company, whose main office is at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States.

Google Analytics uses cookies. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this Website (including the IP address) will be directly transmitted and stored by Google Inc., on its servers, which may be located in the United States. Google Inc., will use this information on behalf of NEOLENTECH with the purpose of providing statistics on the use of the Website, being able to transmit said information to third parties when required by law, or when said third parties process the information on behalf of Google Inc. According to the policies of Google Inc., it will not associate your IP address with any other data held by that company. The user can prevent the processing of said information by configuring their browser to reject the use of cookies.

  1. Protection of Personal Data

While browsing through NEOLENTECH, personal data may be requested through different web forms provided for this purpose or by email. Said data will form part of the record of treatment activities based on the determined and specific purpose that motivates the collection of the same.

In this way, the particular information of each data processing will be provided together with the web forms or email, being common to all of them the person responsible for the registration of treatment activities: NEOLENTECH, S.L. , C/ Ribera del Loira, 46, 28042 Madrid.

  1. Minors

In the event that some of the services are specifically aimed at children under 14 years of age, NEOLENTECH will request the consent of the parents or guardians for the collection of personal data or, where appropriate, for the automated processing of data. In no case will data related to your professional and economic situation be requested without the consent of other family members.

If you are under 14 years of age and have accessed our website or any of our services, you should not register as a user.

  1. Intellectual and industrial property

The intellectual property rights of the content of the web pages, their graphic design and codes belong to NEOLENTECH exclusively or it has the rights or authorizations for its publication and, therefore, its reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other other activity that can be carried out with the contents of its web pages, not even citing the sources, except with the written consent of NEOLENTECH or the exclusive owner of the right.

All trade names, trademarks or different signs of any kind contained in the web pages are the property of their owners or legitimate holders and are protected by law.

Most of the content that appears on the Website is provided by NEOLENTECH. However, users can collaborate by sending content that will be published in the sections intended for this purpose. The content provided by the User may be filtered by NEOLENTECH to avoid duplication and ensure that its format meets quality standards.

In addition, NEOLENTECH reserves the right to review and contrast all or part of the content provided by its Users, withdrawing, eliminating or modifying the content that it considers to be in violation of any Law or right of third parties or that contains errors.

However, this action cannot be considered as a validation or acceptance as truthful of the information provided by the User.

In this sense, regarding the information provided by Users, NEOLENTECH, in accordance with article 16 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, is configured for the purposes of provide this service as a hosting or data storage service provider, without, therefore, being responsible for the information uploaded by the User.

Consequently, NEOLENTECH is not responsible for the content, the information, the accuracy or the veracity or the illegality of the content provided by the User.

In any case, if you believe that your rights or the rights of third parties are being violated or that content is not in accordance with the Law, please notify us at:

  1. Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy affects only those data that you provide to NEOLENTECH, either through the forms, or through any other means at your disposal. By accepting this Privacy Policy, you give your consent for NEOLENTECH to process your personal data for the purposes indicated in these “General Conditions of Use”.

  1. Communication of your data to third parties

We will not communicate your personal data to third parties, with the exception of companies that carry out administrative tasks for the correct development of the activity. Thus, NEOLENTECH shares data with the following providers under their corresponding privacy conditions:

Google Analytics/Google Adwords: a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., a Delaware company whose main office is at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States (“Google”). Google Analytics and Google Adwords use “cookies”, which are text files located on your computer, to help NEOLENTECH analyze how users use the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of (including your IP address) will be directly transmitted and stored by Google on servers in the United States.

Bitsons Puro ADN Binario, S.L.: Bitsons Puro ADN Binario, SL, as data processor, is authorized to process, on behalf of NEOLENTECH, SL, as data controller, the personal data necessary to provide the service that is They specify: Management of servers, online stores, email accounts, social networks, computer applications and other services that are necessary for the correct development of the services.

  1. Communication of your data to third parties

We will not communicate your personal data to third parties, with the exception of companies that carry out administrative tasks for the correct development of the activity. Thus, NEOLENTECH shares data with the following providers under their corresponding privacy conditions:

Google Analytics/Google Adwords: a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., a Delaware company whose main office is at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States (“Google”). Google Analytics and Google Adwords use “cookies”, which are text files located on your computer, to help NEOLENTECH analyze how users use the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of (including your IP address) will be directly transmitted and stored by Google on servers in the United States.

Bitsons Puro ADN Binario, S.L.: Bitsons Puro ADN Binario, SL, as data processor, is authorized to process, on behalf of NEOLENTECH, SL, as data controller, the personal data necessary to provide the service that is They specify: Management of servers, online stores, email accounts, social networks, computer applications and other services that are necessary for the correct development of the services.

  1. Accuracy and veracity of the data provided

The user is solely responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data included, exonerating NEOLENTECH from any responsibility in this regard. Users guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated.

The user agrees to provide complete and correct information in the registration or subscription form. NEOLENTECH is not responsible for the veracity of the information that is not of its own elaboration and that indicated by another source, for which reason it does not assume any responsibility for hypothetical damages that may arise from the use of said information. NEOLENTECH reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained in its web pages and may even limit or deny access to such information.

NEOLENTECH is exonerated from liability for any damage or harm that the user may suffer as a result of errors, defects or omissions, in the information provided by NEOLENTECH whenever it comes from sources other than the same.

  1. Exercise of rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, portability and opposition

You can direct your communications and exercise your rights of access, rectification or deletion, limitation, portability and opposition to the email address:, or by ordinary mail addressed to NEOLENTECH, S.L. C/ Ribera del Loira, 46, 28042 Madrid. To exercise these rights, it is necessary for you to prove your personality to NEOLENTECH by sending a photocopy of your National Identity Document or any other valid identity document in Law.

  1. Security measures

NEOLENTECH has adopted the legally required Personal Data protection security levels, and endeavors to install those other means and additional technical measures within its reach to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the Personal Data provided. NEOLENTECH will not be responsible for possible damages or losses that may arise from interference, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system, caused by causes beyond NEOLENTECH; of delays or blockages in the use of this electronic system caused by deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines or overloads in the Data Processing Center, in the Internet system or in other electronic systems, as well as damages that may be caused by third parties. people through illegitimate interference beyond the control of NEOLENTECH. However, the user must be aware that the security measures are not impregnable.

  1. Acceptance and Consent

The user declares to have been informed of the conditions on protection of personal data, accepting and consenting to the automated processing thereof by NEOLENTECH, in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this Personal Data Protection Policy. Certain services provided on the Website may contain particular conditions with specific provisions regarding the protection of Personal Data. The user has the possibility and the right to withdraw the consent for any specific purpose granted at the time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

  1. Modification of the privacy policy

NEOLENTECH reserves the right to change/modify the privacy policy for legislative adaptation.

  1. Compensation

Any breach of these Terms of Use by the User could result in damages for NEOLENTECH. In this way, if due to breaches of the User we suffer damages, losses, any type of losses and costs, the User will be obliged to compensate us.

Likewise, if due to the User’s breaches any type of claim or procedure is generated against NEOLENTECH, the User will leave NEOLENTECH harmless, and NEOLENTECH may claim any expense, cost, damage or harm derived from its actions.

  1. Language

The language applicable to these Conditions is Spanish. If versions of these Terms of Use have been offered in other languages, it has been for the convenience of the User and the User expressly accepts that they will always be governed by the Spanish version.

If there is any contradiction between what the Spanish version of these Terms of Use says and what the translation says, in any case the Spanish version will prevail.

  1. Legislation

The relations between NEOLENTECH and the Users of its telematics services present on the web are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.

Any conflict that arises on the occasion of these General Conditions of Use or any of the particular conditions included therein will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of the province of Madrid.